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Letters from Here to Then



From the One Who Wants You to Know the Truth

Dear Sarah,

You’re in high school now! The next four years are going to be ones you’ll never forget. It’s going to start out rocky because you’re 15 and “know everything”, but you will soon find out that you just don’t. At all. Continue reading “From the One Who Wants You to Know the Truth”

From a Happily Married Wife, Registered Nurse, and Mom of 2

Dear 18-year-old wild child,

I know you don’t want to listen to any advice and think you’ve got everything figured out, but let me have just a moment of your attention. Life will be much better if you focus less on guys, and more on goals and accomplishments. Continue reading “From a Happily Married Wife, Registered Nurse, and Mom of 2”

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